Mother Laughing with Daughter

Alchemy of Becoming

Self-guided Course:
The Steps to Ancient Alchemical Transformation

In this course I will take you step-by-step through the alchemical process of releasing past childhood conditioning to heal your relationships so that you can touch into your divine birthright as a sovereign creator.

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The process of healing is one of alchemical transformation that changes your life forever. Awakening is the process of letting go of the human story of pain – which closes our hearts and takes over our minds – so that we can connect to our Divine Self and become sovereign human beings.

This course will help you create a relationship with yourself and as a result you will heal the relationships in your life.

Any wounds from your past, or disruptive experiences that have not met resolution, can create unpleasant patterns in the present. Alchemy helps us to become consciously aware of these patterns so that we can release them.

Determining your level of inner alchemy, and what elements are affecting your life, can be done by paying attention to what is happening in your environment and how you react to it.

If you can identify what is happening on the inside, and how it correlates to what is occurring in your outside world, you will have an easier time identifying the level of alchemical transformation that you are going through.

Alchemy of Becoming by Pritam Atma

Alchemy of Becoming Will Guide You Through These Steps of Transformation

I will take you step-by-step through this process and provide specific Kundalini meditations that will help you transform as you move through each alchemical stage of transformation. You will gain a tremendous amount of energy, power and self-love as a result.

These are the stages of alchemy. In this course I will take you through each step individually and help you apply this knowledge to daily life.


Calcination: Breaks down your attachment to the material world. It is the phase of destruction of delusions, appearances and possessions. The element fire burns away the mental constructs and belief systems that hold you back and box you in.

Dissolution: Reveals unconscious emotional parts of yourself for release. The element water is used to dissolve heavy feelings and impure thoughts. Unresolved wounds of the heart will arise to be healed.

Separation: In this phase you begin taking an intimate look at your personality, deciding what parts of yourself that you want to separate from and what parts need further integration. You will consciously review your unconscious and decide if you are ready to release the blockages, phobias and neurotic tendencies or not.

Conjunction: This is the phase where you merge the conscious and the unconscious parts of yourself for deeper healing. It is the union of the masculine and feminine within. Your heart begins to open and your intuition grows as you become connected to Spirit.

Fermentation: Is the introduction into your new life. You will experience a death of your old world and be initiated into a new way of being. As a spiritual warrior you begin to hear the call to help others along the way.

Distillation: In order to know that you can hold true in this new life you will be psychologically tested by a higher force. This phase of purification is agitating to the human mind as there must be no impurities in the personality in order to enter a state of peace.

Coagulation: The whole and healed human being is rare, but if you have reached this stage you are now fully conscious and interacting with the world from the level of the heart or with love. Being becomes as important as doing. You will see the world from a new perspective and higher level of consciousness. This is the rise of phoenix and phase of resurrection into your highest destiny.

$55 one-time charge

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