Posts Tagged ‘birth baby pregnancy’

Learn why it is important to eat healthy and detox before pregnancy

The toxic overload humans are facing today makes it much harder to connect to the subtle state of oneness that our ancestors once had, and we must now work much harder to detoxify and repair our bodies. This is especially important if we are carrying children or if you are planning on becoming pregnant. You want to create a clean body before conception because this something you can’t do while pregnant. Individuals like Villoldo, many other professionals on the planet, and myself are urging people to clean their diet by eliminating some of the toxins that are damaging the gut and taking away the good bacteria needed for health. There is a great movement toward a diet that lacks gluten and is free of sugar, dairy, genetically modified organisms (GMOs), and heavy metals. It is important to release these toxins but also vital to replenish our system with the nutrients and supplements required to create healthy gut flora.

Tips on Healing After A Cesarean Birth

As a nurse I have found that many women come in to the hospital expecting a vaginal birth and feel unprepared when they end up with a c-section. For obvious reasons (such as fear) they avoided education on this surgery because they felt it would never happen to them.

The average cesarean rate in the United States is 33% and sadly this rate is rising. Preparing for a healthy surgery and positively moving on after the experience is important for emotional and physical healing. The key to healing is a complete willingness to go through the procedure. But who is really prepared to let themselves be cut open? Who can “let go” that easily?

Obviously, people feel ambivalence or vulnerability when it comes to surgery. If you have had a c-section (or any surgery) in the past old memories may resurface, especially if you were not completely comfortable with the procedure. The body is able to store these memories in the tissues themselves. Emotions may arise later such as grief, loss, and depression. It is just as important to heal on the energetic level after a surgery as the physical level.