Posts Tagged ‘detox’


The main reasons you MUST avoid sugar & vegetable oils

Poor utero nutrition can contribute to childhood obesity. This applies to both women who do not eat enough nutrition and those that eat too much of unhealthy foods such as junk food. Children born to overweight mothers are epigentically programmed to build adipose tissue at birth because in both cases the babies experience nutrient deficiencies. When the mother is not getting enough of the right nutrients for health the child inside is programmed to feel that there is not enough. If the intrauterine environment is lacking when the child comes out he or she will always be feeling that scarcity on a cellular level and consistently be desiring more food. The mother actually programs the child to be overweight because in utero the child never had enough.

Many of the women who are eating fast food in pregnancy could actually be significantly harming their child. Research showed that a high level of endotoxin, a word that means inner poison, was found in individuals after eating McDonalds. When endotoxin is found in the body the immune system immediately believes that a foreign invader has arrived which results in a significant amount of inflammation. Inflammation in turn negatively effects your microbiome and thus the DNA of your cells affecting your entire health. One in four Americans eat fast food regularly and reducing this high carbohydrate, sugar and trans fat diet during pregnancy could be as critical to pregnancy as stopping consumption of alcohol or drugs.

Learn why it is important to eat healthy and detox before pregnancy

The toxic overload humans are facing today makes it much harder to connect to the subtle state of oneness that our ancestors once had, and we must now work much harder to detoxify and repair our bodies. This is especially important if we are carrying children or if you are planning on becoming pregnant. You want to create a clean body before conception because this something you can’t do while pregnant. Individuals like Villoldo, many other professionals on the planet, and myself are urging people to clean their diet by eliminating some of the toxins that are damaging the gut and taking away the good bacteria needed for health. There is a great movement toward a diet that lacks gluten and is free of sugar, dairy, genetically modified organisms (GMOs), and heavy metals. It is important to release these toxins but also vital to replenish our system with the nutrients and supplements required to create healthy gut flora.