Posts Tagged ‘diet’


PCOS & Infertility: Diet, Weight Loss & Medications

As many as 1 in 10 women in the United States have a condition known as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). This health problem can affect a women’s menstrual cycle and fertility. It is one of the most common reasons for ovulatory infertility and affects between 5 and 10 percent of women.

PCOS is not a disease, it is a syndrome with many signs and symptoms that stem from underlying problems. Common symptoms include: irregular or non-existent menstrual periods, excess facial and body hair and enlarged ovaries with many small resting follicles (which your doctor will see on ultrasound). PCOS also creates a heightened risk for type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

Learn why it is important to eat healthy and detox before pregnancy

The toxic overload humans are facing today makes it much harder to connect to the subtle state of oneness that our ancestors once had, and we must now work much harder to detoxify and repair our bodies. This is especially important if we are carrying children or if you are planning on becoming pregnant. You want to create a clean body before conception because this something you can’t do while pregnant. Individuals like Villoldo, many other professionals on the planet, and myself are urging people to clean their diet by eliminating some of the toxins that are damaging the gut and taking away the good bacteria needed for health. There is a great movement toward a diet that lacks gluten and is free of sugar, dairy, genetically modified organisms (GMOs), and heavy metals. It is important to release these toxins but also vital to replenish our system with the nutrients and supplements required to create healthy gut flora.

Are You Having Trouble Getting Pregnant?

If you are having trouble becoming pregnant head over to Work With Me page for more answers. I help women all over the world through the process of conscious conception.

Women who have tried to become pregnant for a significant amount of time, over one year, may be operating on a reproductive system that lacks energy. One of the main reasons for this could be a long period of time on birth control, which teaches the body to divert resources away from the reproductive system to energetically avoid conceiving. Birth control was an amazing and progressive finding in our society and women should absolutely under no circumstances have a baby until they are ready for the sake of the child and the mother.

Yogi Bhajan said, “It is very essential for the woman to be very, very sensible because then only can she create in the child of tomorrow, the very manifestation to be a very sensible person.” Birth control is important. Don’t stop it until you are ready and willing to bring a child on to this planet. Just begin to connect to your womb and mentally, emotionally, and spiritually prepare yourself for the coming of your child long before you are ready to conceive. Your reproductive system is its own entity and has its own soul and life. Your womb requires conscious attention and nurturing to keep it connected to heaven.

Tips To Enhance Your Fertility Through a Deeper Mind, Body, Spirit Connection (video)

Fertility is a delicate subject and like a flower needs to be discussed with care because when we want something so badly, and what we want does not come fast enough, there is an aching in our hearts that feels like we are being ripped open. When a woman is ready for a child, a gap grows in time and space, and the desire to hold the baby becomes the forefront of her thoughts. I have watched many friends battle with fertility issues and months pass with empty arms, more longing, less control, and a stronger desire for the outcome. I have also witnessed the unbearable loss of children in utero through my patients, which becomes a heavy burden of confusion after months of attempting to become pregnant. If you are trying to get pregnant and have become frustrated with the process, I don’t have all the answers here, as fertility is one of the greatest mysteries of our time, but I have simple theories that may shed some light on the space you are feeling inside. I am going to provide you with ways to better connect to your womb through meditations and the energetics of food.

In ancient times, women’s only focus as a young girl was bearing children, but in the modern day, we are blessed to spread our energy out in many directions. Women now focus on going to school, working, traveling, or buying their own house and have entered this male-dominated world with vigor. Though reaching high levels of our masculine nature can be rewarding, it can also create a dichotomy in our fields that disconnects us from our wombs. Many women spend years focused on achieving their goals and energetically pushed the thought of bearing children out of their field, so when the time comes that they are ready to bear a child, their body, mind, and spirit have to align. Women often have to make up for lost time quickly if they choose to have a baby later in life. Females have to relate to time in completely different ways than males do when it comes to their physical body and having children.