Posts Tagged ‘fetility’

Anjai Meditation Pose

Kundalini Meditation for Fertility & Ovary Adjustment

Andaj Kriya as Taught by Yogi Bhajan

This meditation helps to adjust the ovaries in women, which will assist with conception.

Yogi Bhajan said, “You want your kidneys and ovaries to become balanced? Just balance your hands straight before you. Don’t do anything else. Am I asking you to meditate or do anything? No. Just don’t be irritated. That’s all I’m saying. Don’t react. You will react. Yes, yes. The ovaries are getting adjusted. And if the egg has been released by the wrong ovary, you will find a surprise in your body. You have to adjust your ovaries every month, and there’s no other way other than the Andaj kriya. There’s no other kriya which can do it. This is the elbow and this is ninety degrees, absolutely parallel. It automatically stretches the body and the entire area and the action and reaction will balance. Remember when you had an ovarian cyst, and what it cost with all the insurance?”