Posts Tagged ‘image’

Mother Lifting Baby Up

Tools to Heal Eating Disorders & Addictions

My mission is to teach you how to clear yourself, your wounds, and family generational patterns so that you can bring healthy and happy children into this world that are more advanced than the generation before. In order to do this we have to look at ourselves in the mirror and really get to know who we are – the Good and the Bad. One problem I consistently see across the board when I work with women is issues around food, low self-esteem and complex body image problems – that the women may or may not even be aware of.

I am here to tell you that you can heal and LOVE YOURSELF. I also want you to understand how important this healing is before you conceive. It is vital not to pass on body image issues to our children. I write more in depth about this is my book – Mystical Motherhood which can found on Amazon, but I am going to explain a little bit about altering our belief systems before we become pregnant in this video and why this is essential to the advancement of the baby.