Unclutter Your Life
I was raised by both of my Grandmothers who were very different when it came to the upkeep of their homes and of themselves. My father’s mother, Weasy (I could not pronounce Louise) was always a little disheveled with a chaotic home full of cluttered items. My other Grandma Eva held her home, and her appearance, in the highest regard. Through her I learned the meaning of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder; at the time it wasn’t funny, but now it is. I never knew that it was not normal to fold and then refold laundry multiple times or to organize smaller bags in larger ones until I went to college. Through these polar opposite personalities I was able to come to neutral territory about the organization of a home, the importance of letting go of items not needed, and keeping ones with specific meaning that add energetic movement to areas.
Clutter is anything that is getting in the way of you living the life of your dreams and can take the form of mental thoughts, excess weight, physical items, money, or even relationships. Clutter can be internal or external. Here we are going to focus on the connection between clutter in your home and your overall wellbeing. If your house is constantly a mess, you hold on to items from the past, or you have not completed a spring-cleaning – like ever – in your life, it is time to find out the meaning behind your clutter.