6 secrets to living your most creative life

Abraham Maslow states, “…the greatest cause of our alienation from our real selves is our neurotic involvements with other people, the historical hangovers from childhood, the irrational transferences, in which past and present are confused, and in which the adult acts like the child…If we have no audience to play to, we cease to be actors. With no need to act we can devote ourselves, self forgetfully, to the problem”. -62

We desperately need of a different kind of human being on this planet. Being creative means being healthy and fully alive. The universe pours through the creative person making new and unique possibilities happen – making change occur.

Creative individuals have a interesting set of characteristics that the general population does not have. Here are the basic attributes of what it takes to be creative.

Cultivating a Creative Attitude

“Someone who takes the time to understand their relationship with Source, who actively seeks alignment with their Broader Perspective, who deliberately seeks and finds alignment with who-they-really-are, is more charismatic, more attractive, more effective, and more powerful than a group of millions who have not achieved that alignment.” – Abraham

We are in desperate need of a different type of human being on this planet, one who is connected to their Source and brimming with unique insights. Life pours through the creative individual igniting in them a passion to serve and a commitment to make new and rapid changes on the planet. In fact one could argue that God runs through the creative person. These individuals have a high self-confidence, self-mastery, and put a great deal of unique effort into their achievements. In order to become a fulfilled human being who lives a no limit life we must cultivate creativity in ourselves. The more creative you are as a parent the more creative your child can be. Creative individuals have a unique set of characteristics that set them apart from the masses. Here are the basic attributes of what it takes to be creative.