Peace at the ocean

Understand the Elements and the Transformative Power of Alchemy

The Transformative Power of Alchemy

Fire: The first step of the alchemical transformation is calcination which corresponds to the element of fire in your life. Calcination reduces everything to ashes and psychologically burns off the density of one’s personality and belief systems. When the element fire begins to affect your world, you will lose attachments to the material realm and free yourself from your own self-deception. Fire vigorously works on the ego and mind. The separation from a false reality and our attachments can be a painful process to go through.

Water: The element water creates the process of dissolution within your life. It helps us let go of relationships and paths not meant for us. Water cleanses and dissolves structures to create new patterns. This receptive element also helps to form your intuition and psychic abilities. This part of the spiritual transformation will take you to the watery depths of despair and provides a better understanding of all of your unresolved emotions. As you release all that does not serve you, you will be baptized and reborn.

The Adi Shakti Meditation to Upgrade Your Baby & Yourself

“I feel you must have some time when you are in difficulty. Rather than calling on help from friends and prayer, call the Maha Shakti and see what happens. When India and Indian woman knew this mantra, it dwelt in the land of milk and honey. When they forgot it, it became a hell. Only the forgetting of this mantra has given birth to MTV… But when a woman knew this mantra she was a living goddess. Without Maha Shakti, God cannot Manifest anything. This is the mantra.” –Yogi Bhajan

The time between the 120th day and the seventh month is the most important period during pregnancy because it forms the fundamental personality of the child. If the mother is incredibly reactive, the child will likely be too. Any neurosis or glitches in the mother’s system will be passed on to the baby especially during this period of time. The people and personalities she is with, emotions she feels, and her environmental surroundings all matter.

How to Utilize the Energy of Planet Earth to Increase Your Fertility

Mother Earth provides the greatest example we have of fertility. At her best, she creates life in ample abundance and flows forth everything needed for others to prosper. She magnifies the words lush, prosperity, wealth, health, reproduction and elegance. She has the power to create heaven within her ethereal body. Her ability to provide for her children makes this planet one of the greatest examples of motherhood that we have. The only thing that can impede on her fertility is when her natural cycles are distorted from pollution, oil spills or taking too much of her life force. I am hoping that you can begin to see your own fertility process in a similar way that you experience the nature of earth.

To understand this fully I want you to imagine that you are now in your favorite natural area walking barefoot outside. Think of a park, lake or hiking trail in the woods. Close your eyes and go to this place now. What does the energy in your body feel like walking here? What season is it and what are the colors that appear? Recreate how this engaged all of your senses and a heightened state of love and expansion within. Begin to experience it fully in the present moment. Sip in the experience like a slow inhale. Send your loving energy down into the earth within this sacred region so that the earth can send her love back to you. Keep a note of this place so that you can always return to it. Rather than copying a friend’s favorite dress, what would you want to emulate in yourself from this natural place that would create a fuller expression in your femininity? Perhaps it is the silence, colors, peace, smells, feeling of expansion, or sounds.

Two Easy Ways to Improve Your Self-Esteem & Change Your Life

I personally struggled with an eating disorder for many years in High School. It started when I was around the age of sixteen while living in a dysfunctional family situation. I used binging on foods and purging to maintain a sense of internal control over my chaotic environment. At my worst, I was doing this several times daily in my teenage years. In between these episodes, I hardly allowed myself to eat a single item with any nutritional value. The disorder left me emotionally and physically exhausted. I was depleted, swollen from fluid imbalance, desperate, and unhappy. Carbohydrates, sugars, and an inner need for peace were all triggers. Once I had a bite, the guilt was too heavy, so I just kept going and would often consume much more than the normal person could. I would then take relief in the bathroom and leave with bloodshot eyes and deep shame.

Many women share this story, and it took me long time to heal, as it does for everyone. There is hardly a single woman I know who does not look at their body and want to change something about it. We live in a society where it is accepted to think we are not enough, and lack of self-love is rampant. The best way to weaken the strongest group of people on the planet is to make them hate themselves through propaganda and massive advertisements from the time that they can understand English. The thought form that we are not good enough has been programmed into our subconscious from the time we are in the womb onward. Our mothers, commercials, books, and mass media all portray an image that distorts our view of reality of what we should look like.

How to Know When Your Elements Are In Balance Through Alchemy

At some point in your life you may feel the effects of alchemy, which is a force of transformation that happens in eight steps. When your life falls apart, or you feel some sort of a catalyst move through that forces change, you are likely in the first step of the alchemical process which is calcination. You may lose your partner, health, child, house, career or best friend. It feels like you are on fire and your world is falling apart. What is really going on is that you are physically changing to become more dynamic spiritually. Your ego is slowly broken down as you continue to move through the alchemical process or elemental forces of water, air, earth and ether, which purify you here on earth. Alchemy is one of the fastest ways to God because it peels you open like an onion exposing the parts of your life where you need to change. This process is your road to clearing generational history, trauma, pain or heartbreak. It is the path to enlightenment and becoming a whole human being.

The alchemical process of transformation creates uprooting of everything you thought was safe and stable in your life. Almost everyone is continually in some portion of alchemical changes, but not everyone is aware of this nor is their level of transformation equal. I am not going to go into the specific steps of alchemy in detail in this book because the breadth of the information is too substantial for the purpose of our work here (it also needs to be personally experienced to fully comprehend the magnitude of the changes). What I want you to understand is how the elements are an integral part of your awakening process. They can create balance or unbalance within your life.

Pregnant Woman

Conscious Conception: Plan Your Pregnancy (video)

The most important concepts you must understand regarding conscious conception is that it takes a significant amount of mental, emotional, and spiritual preparation and that pregnancy is something you should absolutely not take on if you are not fully ready. People all over the world are procreating, but as we can see, not much has improved. This is why conscious conception is so important, and if you are reading this and prepared to do the work, you could change the planet. Throughout this book, I will refer to the male and female “partnership” when it comes to creating and raising a child because essentially that’s the base equation needed to produce, but I understand that families are made up of all sorts of equations. I am speaking to the single moms, split families, grandmothers, aunts, and fathers at different points throughout the text too as there are many ways to raise a child, and everyone needs to be on board. Conception requires just an ovum and a sperm, but if you want to do it consciously, and you are ready to bring a high vibrational Being on to this planet, I am here to discuss some things that should have been put into mass consumption years ago.
As a conscious and prepared woman, you need to be ready and not take the responsibility or bringing a life into this world lightly.

“It is absolutely wrong to be pregnant when you are spiritually, mentally, emotionally, or physically unprepared. It has been estimated that in a very fast society, eighty percent of all conceptions happen by chance… It is a very sad situation. To be very frank and honest, it will ruin the IQ of the child up to thirty-three percent. One-third of the possible IQ of the child, his potential health, his faculty of creativity, and his intelligence to deal with his personal security will be ruined if the mother was physically, mentally, and spiritually unprepared to conceive the child, and it will be a loss of another twenty percent if the father is similarly unprepared. Before it happens, the pregnancy should be totally, emotionally, characteristically, analytically, materially, physically, mentally, and spiritually discussed, planned, and noted down.”- Yogi Bhajan