Posts Tagged ‘wellbeing’

This is why you should start a meditation practice…

Just three to five years ago I had no idea what meditation was. I knew I wanted to feel better – and I knew for sure I was ready to connect to a higher source – but I didn’t know how. Now I meditate over an hour a day, cannot wait to wake up before the sun to do this, and am constantly connected to Spirit. I went from zero to one hundred. I also went from being over-emotional, clingy and disorderly to having a higher self-esteem, healthier relationships and overall better life. Meditation changed me. Let me tell you how….

When I became interested in spirituality I knew I was ready to learn and grow, but I didn’t know where to start. A friend told me about a practice called Vipassana from India. I was ready to try anything at that point so I signed up for a 10 day “retreat” (ha!) in a secluded residence. We could not speak or look at anyone in the eyes for 10 freakin days! We sat in a room for 12 hours a day in complete silence. I naturally went a bit crazy and knew that this practice wasn’t for me. They recommended that we sit silently in the morning and the evening from that point onward, which felt stifling. I think it is hard for anyone to sit still this long and assume that thoughts won’t come, dont you? If I was going to meditate I wanted to feel energetic about it so I kept praying that a practice would find me that would match my desire……