Water Element

My Spiritual Transformation and Journey Through the Elements

The first time I realized that the elements are a part of our internal and external spiritual journey was in a Vipassana meditation center in the woods in northern California. It was created by a man from India, S.N. Goenka, who opened spiritual centers across the world for the purpose of holding three and ten-day silent meditation courses.

I could not look at another person, read, exercise or use the Internet for ten days. The silence was torturous, but I did learn a lot about myself. The experience helped me to realize that each of the elements discussed here can be felt pulsating through our bodies.

Meditations to Boost Fertility

Meditations and Actions to Boost Fertility

 Walking Meditation: While walking, tell your womb that you are one hundred percent ready to conceive now and fully behind your decision. Honor your reproductive system not with demands but with respectful guidance. While walking, you can call upon the Angel of Fertility for additional support throughout your journey. Do this exercise daily to remain connected and give your system permission to become pregnant.

 Breathing White Light: While lying on your back, take deep breathes into your abdomen, expanding up to your lungs. With each inhale, draw the white light into your womb. When you are doing this, you are taking the attention out of your head and directing the energy to another part of your body. Let your body know that it is now your sacred mission to become pregnant and you are fully ready to consciously bring a child into this world.

 If you don’t know what the reproductive system looks like, you might want to get a picture of it so that you can actually visualize how the egg and sperm come together during conception and feel this in your body.

How to Conceive and Birth a Conscious Child

What is a Crystalline Child?

The purpose of FERTILE is to help you clear historical density from your bloodline so that you can attract a crystalline soul. Assuming that children pick their parents, this type of soul has no or less karmic links to the planet and selects parents according to their light quotient and vibrational frequency. When children like this are born they will not have to spend the majority of their lives working through personal problems, familial issues, wounds or attachments which are typically created from past bloodlines or previous lifetimes. Essentially, these children are clear from the past because you have done the work to clear yourself. You can think of them as disconnected from cultural or societal belief systems that may hold them back in life. These children will be able to complete great missions or achievements to help this earth to thrive without the personal resistance or self-sabotage that the typical human faces as a result of their energetic and genetic makeup.

Peace at the ocean

Understand the Elements and the Transformative Power of Alchemy

The Transformative Power of Alchemy

Fire: The first step of the alchemical transformation is calcination which corresponds to the element of fire in your life. Calcination reduces everything to ashes and psychologically burns off the density of one’s personality and belief systems. When the element fire begins to affect your world, you will lose attachments to the material realm and free yourself from your own self-deception. Fire vigorously works on the ego and mind. The separation from a false reality and our attachments can be a painful process to go through.

Water: The element water creates the process of dissolution within your life. It helps us let go of relationships and paths not meant for us. Water cleanses and dissolves structures to create new patterns. This receptive element also helps to form your intuition and psychic abilities. This part of the spiritual transformation will take you to the watery depths of despair and provides a better understanding of all of your unresolved emotions. As you release all that does not serve you, you will be baptized and reborn.

Build Your Own Alter

There are some very unique places in the world which actively use the elements in ceremony creating a high vibration and connection to Spirit within the land. Bali and a few locations in India come to mind, as these cultures maintain active spiritual practices which help to activate the environments, living spaces and temples. The communities of these locations hold deep devotion to Source and place importance upon creating ritual utilizing the elements as a part of their daily practice or way of living. Ritual creates a palpable feeling of peace and expansion within the person and the surrounding area. In Bali, you can literally feel Spirit pulsating through the land because of the level of love that the Balinese have for their Hindu Gods. Their mediation practice, and devotion to keeping active alters, creates a palpable feeling of being alive within every cell.

Devotion to the Creator through active ritual, dance, singing or open expression is something that Western culture significantly lacks. There is weakness in our spirits and we are oozing out neurotic tendencies to control time, work, love and people. We spend most of our lives inside using light switches rather than starting a fire. We have lost our connection to the elements and do not honor their power. As a result, we are not even aware that they are our lifelines back to God. The Spirit world is here to assist us in our process of remembering who we are. Becoming cognizant of the elements within and without will help you to recreate this connection and pulsate as one with the universe.

Sacred Sexuality and Creating the Third Unified Field with Your Partner

Connecting with Your Beloved for Conscious Conception

Sexual intercourse performed for the purpose of conscious conception is a chemical romance and alchemical union between the male and female. When a couple is in balance they have complementary sacred geometry within their energetic fields. This creates a unique vibration between all of their chakras and increased alignment. Their combined love forms a palpable physical energy which is amplified during sexual intercourse. Senses become heightened and conscious awareness increases. As we know from the beginning of the book, the senses play a key role in forming the energetic signature and sacred geometry of the child at conception. When a couple’s internal and external environments are vibrating at such a rate they become visible to the higher realms, especially during intercourse.

Ensuring that you and your partner are free from domestic issues and fully aligned in your bodies, minds and spirits at the time of conception will not only enhance your fertility, but the type of soul you will birth. Conception should ideally be a planned event where the two of you speak about bringing a child into the world before you find out you are pregnant. I went into great detail about this in Mystical Motherhood. The book includes information on important concepts to discuss with your partner and how to amplify your fields in the 72 hours before conception. In Fertile, I want you to leave with deeper understanding about what a divine relationship looks like and what it does not. Many relationships are caught in negative repeating patterns which block the mind, heart and sacral region from connecting, which is vital to conscious conception.