3 Quick Ways to Reduce Anger & Anxiety

Are you ready to improve your life? Sick of feeling angry and neurotic? Let me help you with these three simple ways to reduce anxiety. Watch the video below to learn more.

What does breathe and meditation do to change your life???…..You will have more peak experiences throughout the day, times of insight, and a deeper connection to your world. Your concentration on tasks at work or at home will increase, your ability to make decisions will improve, and you will learn more efficiently. If you want to correctly interpret reality and have a bright, powerful, and uncluttered personality, you need to start a meditation practice.


Wake up just ten minutes earlier than normal to meditate, be grateful, breathe, or journal. Just start here and see where this takes you. Add more time as you begin to see a change in your demeanor and wellbeing. Use the meditations explained in this book as your starting point. Mindful breath is a simple but profound way to shift your perspective. Your mind follows your breath. The key to controlling your mind is controlling your breath.

Breath Exercises You Can Begin the Day With:

Sitali Pranayam: Curl the tongue into a “U” shape, inhale through the curled tongue, and exhale through the nose. Do this twenty-six times to reduce anger.

Long Deep Breathing: Using the full capacity of the lungs, inhale deeply and expand the abdomen, then the chest and the upper ribs, and clavicle. Exhale in reverse until the abdomen pulls in and up.

I explain it all in this video:

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