How to Conceive and Birth a Conscious Child

What is a Crystalline Child?

The purpose of FERTILE is to help you clear historical density from your bloodline so that you can attract a crystalline soul. Assuming that children pick their parents, this type of soul has no or less karmic links to the planet and selects parents according to their light quotient and vibrational frequency. When children like this are born they will not have to spend the majority of their lives working through personal problems, familial issues, wounds or attachments which are typically created from past bloodlines or previous lifetimes. Essentially, these children are clear from the past because you have done the work to clear yourself. You can think of them as disconnected from cultural or societal belief systems that may hold them back in life. These children will be able to complete great missions or achievements to help this earth to thrive without the personal resistance or self-sabotage that the typical human faces as a result of their energetic and genetic makeup.

It is my goal to help you improve your genome before conception and during pregnancy by holding up a mirror so that you can find your true self and improve your internal and external environment. Doing this will allow you to find all the joyous and beautiful parts of your soul that are connected to Source that you would like to pass on to your child. It will also help you identify all the ways that you can be neurotic, reactive, judgmental, angry, insecure and depressed. You will be able to identify both why you act like this and the belief systems or thoughts that hold these emotions in place.

It is not necessary for you to pass these traits on to your children. This work isn’t for the fainthearted or unmotivated. This is for women who are ready to face themselves and rise up. The ones who are committed to making an impact in their world. Birthing and raising conscious children is one of the most sacred acts you can do for this planet. There is tremendous amount of potential in the children of our future.

Prepare Your Body, Mind and Spirit for Conception and Pregnancy to Create an Enlightened and Conscious Child

How can a mother conceive and birth this type of child on to the planet?

Awakened human beings have a sensitive sensory system that allows a higher level of creativity and knowing to flow through them. These individuals often create genius inventions for humanity in the fields of art or science. Einstein and Tesla could not have birthed new and brilliant ideas into the world without having the magnetic auric architecture that could hold and place these concepts into form. They required a connection to something larger than themselves to allow this inspiration to flow through.

Reflect on Michelangelo creating the Sistine Chapel. In order for him to complete this, he would have had to see the art in his mind’s eye long before he painted it. He would have also had to experience these heavenly realms in a fifth-dimensional and palpable way to create something so magnificent. This would have required him to taste the experience in his mouth, feel that intense desire in his body and hear the sounds of choirs of angels singing. All of these sensations were required to design, or birth, something that had never been conceived on Earth before. The Sistine Chapel was Michelangelo’s baby.

In order for you to create a human unlike any other, you need to begin to imagine this child now and fully engage your sensory system in the creation process. You can ask for the exact type of child you would like to conceive and create. Even if you are currently pregnant, you can still do this because the soul of the child does not enter the body until the 120th day. After this point in time, meditation, mantras (or sacred sounds), positive thoughts and prayer during pregnancy can help to clear the karma of your child and amplify his or her destiny before birth. This is something I discussed in Mystical Motherhood in detail (Lois do you want this sentence here or in next paragraph.)

Think of someone in history who has created something absolutely brilliant – perhaps a writer, a singer or a poet. Imagine your very favorite book or piece of art. When this artist was painting, cooking or playing music, what type of sensory experience were they having? It was likely highly engaged and connected to Spirit. The reason that you love their creations or masterpieces is because you can feel the same connection they had when you experience the art in the present moment. This is timelessness, this is God and this is what I would like you to emulate before conception and during pregnancy.

Prepare Your Body, Mind and Spirit for Conception and Pregnancy to Create an Enlightened and Conscious Child

Let’s compare creating an enlightened child to writing a piece of music like Mozart or Alicia Keys. Alicia cannot create something that is long-lasting unless her energy is running at a high vibration. In order to create music that others will respond to, she has to literally hear, taste, see, feel and touch these sounds. She has to be fully awake, in her divine mind and connected to her higher self. She also has to feel how others will respond to this movement in motion in all space and time. Her music is her baby and the vibration she is running at the time of creating this child is the result of her work. When extraordinary people connect heaven on Earth the Holy Trinity is born.

You will not be able to create a piece of art, or enlightened child, if your vibration is not running at a high speed at the time of conception or pregnancy. All of the best inventions or pieces of art carry the frequency of their creator. It takes discipline and inspiration to birth a masterpiece. The greatest artists on Earth strive for perfection. From this point forward, you must work to enhance your sensory system. This is an important part of raising your vibration in order to attract a higher vibrational child.

You can read more about all of this in my new book FERTILE available on Amazon in the summer of 2019.

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