How to Rise Up and Create Boundaries

When making life changes for personal wellbeing resistance may arise at any time. A part of you is likely feeling that life has too many real stresses to manage without getting down. I feel you. I know that most of our histories make it hard to overcome our patterns and neurotic tendencies. I also know that there are legitimate painful and stressful experiences that can arise at any moment such as a death, divorce, job loss or family dynamics. Life isn’t always a breeze and our minds can easily get carried away with how difficult things are. One of my teachers taught me the following Yogi Bhajan quote to repeat out loud three times, “Let the whole world fall, but not Chelsea Ann Wiley.” Say it out loud with me now using your own name, “Let the whole world fall, but not…”. Now say it again two more times like you mean it.

This is the type of assertive energy you have to maintain when you are protecting the life inside of you from outside programming. Mama Bear knows best. You must trust yourself and know what type of people, places, noises or activities will trigger you. Avoiding external stress whenever possible will help you to create internal mental peace. If you want to keep your mind neutral it may be necessary to skip certain experiences that tend to upset you while you are trying to conceive or are pregnant. During this sacred period of time your peace and harmony should be an absolute priority.

Sometimes you may need to make boundaries in relationships that are hurtful, cut back your career stress if you can afford it, or choose to go a meditation class instead of a loud restaurant. Every experience that you have will directly correlate to the level of consciousness you are programming your eggs or baby with. In order to keep your frequency high it is necessary to pick higher vibrational people, places and activities. This may require cutting out poor life choices or negativity for a period of time. Choosing instead to consciously spend your energy focused only on elevating yourself, could ultimately change your entire pregnancy.

I work with many women who have issues with fertility. We tend to heal their problems around control, family trauma and specifically their mother wound. In order to be in control, they have to let go of it. Control appears in various forms: a packed schedule with too much time dedicated to family and friends, issues around food, addictions, travelling and work. When there is not a balance between doing and being your body and mind will build tension. Conception, pregnancy, birth and motherhood are enhanced through relaxation.

When I worked with Sara she realized just how rigid she had become in her thinking and life. This stemmed from the need to demonstrate perfection to her parents with the best grades, dating the captain of the baseball team, and a perfect body. This rigidity created an eating disorder and the inability to let go of toxic relationships and negative work situations. When she began working on herself she distanced herself from her mother in order to reflect on the relationship and not get triggered. Creating this space for healing vastly improved her current relationship with her parents and the boundaries she needed to make with them before starting her own family. She learned to say no to staff who were not the right match to work with. She made boundaries with friends that were no longer making her feel happy and she looked deep into her issues around food and perfection.

Sara had to let go of everything in order to gain everything. She learned to trust and let Spirit guide her. After six months of being on fertility treatments her doctors recommended in-vitro fertilization. The treatments had made her feel crazy and gain weight. Her mind was out of control with thoughts of depression and worthlessness. I recommended that she get off of all of her medications and allow her mind, body and spirit to heal. I told her to give it three months and she would be pregnant.

Despite having irregular and lengthy menstrual cycles, against all medical advice, she listened. Intuitively she knew that she couldn’t enter pregnancy in such a chaotic mental state. We used the Mystical Motherhood protocol and dove deep into all of the issues discussed above. Sara maintained an active Kundalini practice using specific meditations aimed at increasing her fertility. Three months to the day she was pregnant. Sara healed and she is about to deliver her first child. She gained a clearer mind and a highly conscious approach to motherhood and life in general.

What I am teaching here is interdimensional midwifery. You are the gatekeeper between worlds and it is an honor to hold your hand through this process. You have a powerful role on this planet and can make magic happen. Sara’s story isn’t going to be everyone’s, but I can promise you if you do the work described in the Mystical Motherhood series of books you will become a better human who will create profound human beings. If you have had babies before and didn’t know anything about the material in this book, don’t worry either did I and my babies are “usually” angels. Do not feel any guilt for what you did not know in your previous pregnancies. You know better now, and can utilize this knowledge to help yourself and all your friends. No matter how long it takes you to become pregnant, or whatever stage of motherhood you are in, all the mental, physical and spiritual work you complete is going to pay off.

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