Peace at the ocean

Understand the Elements and the Transformative Power of Alchemy

The Transformative Power of Alchemy

Fire: The first step of the alchemical transformation is calcination which corresponds to the element of fire in your life. Calcination reduces everything to ashes and psychologically burns off the density of one’s personality and belief systems. When the element fire begins to affect your world, you will lose attachments to the material realm and free yourself from your own self-deception. Fire vigorously works on the ego and mind. The separation from a false reality and our attachments can be a painful process to go through.

Water: The element water creates the process of dissolution within your life. It helps us let go of relationships and paths not meant for us. Water cleanses and dissolves structures to create new patterns. This receptive element also helps to form your intuition and psychic abilities. This part of the spiritual transformation will take you to the watery depths of despair and provides a better understanding of all of your unresolved emotions. As you release all that does not serve you, you will be baptized and reborn.

How to Rise Up and Create Boundaries

When making life changes for personal wellbeing resistance may arise at any time. A part of you is likely feeling that life has too many real stresses to manage without getting down. I feel you. I know that most of our histories make it hard to overcome our patterns and neurotic tendencies. I also know that there are legitimate painful and stressful experiences that can arise at any moment such as a death, divorce, job loss or family dynamics. Life isn’t always a breeze and our minds can easily get carried away with how difficult things are. One of my teachers taught me the following Yogi Bhajan quote to repeat out loud three times, “Let the whole world fall, but not Chelsea Ann Wiley.” Say it out loud with me now using your own name, “Let the whole world fall, but not…”. Now say it again two more times like you mean it.

This is the type of assertive energy you have to maintain when you are protecting the life inside of you from outside programming. Mama Bear knows best. You must trust yourself and know what type of people, places, noises or activities will trigger you. Avoiding external stress whenever possible will help you to create internal mental peace. If you want to keep your mind neutral it may be necessary to skip certain experiences that tend to upset you while you are trying to conceive or are pregnant. During this sacred period of time your peace and harmony should be an absolute priority.

Sacred Sexuality and Creating the Third Unified Field with Your Partner

Connecting with Your Beloved for Conscious Conception

Sexual intercourse performed for the purpose of conscious conception is a chemical romance and alchemical union between the male and female. When a couple is in balance they have complementary sacred geometry within their energetic fields. This creates a unique vibration between all of their chakras and increased alignment. Their combined love forms a palpable physical energy which is amplified during sexual intercourse. Senses become heightened and conscious awareness increases. As we know from the beginning of the book, the senses play a key role in forming the energetic signature and sacred geometry of the child at conception. When a couple’s internal and external environments are vibrating at such a rate they become visible to the higher realms, especially during intercourse.

Ensuring that you and your partner are free from domestic issues and fully aligned in your bodies, minds and spirits at the time of conception will not only enhance your fertility, but the type of soul you will birth. Conception should ideally be a planned event where the two of you speak about bringing a child into the world before you find out you are pregnant. I went into great detail about this in Mystical Motherhood. The book includes information on important concepts to discuss with your partner and how to amplify your fields in the 72 hours before conception. In Fertile, I want you to leave with deeper understanding about what a divine relationship looks like and what it does not. Many relationships are caught in negative repeating patterns which block the mind, heart and sacral region from connecting, which is vital to conscious conception.

How to Utilize the Energy of Planet Earth to Increase Your Fertility

Mother Earth provides the greatest example we have of fertility. At her best, she creates life in ample abundance and flows forth everything needed for others to prosper. She magnifies the words lush, prosperity, wealth, health, reproduction and elegance. She has the power to create heaven within her ethereal body. Her ability to provide for her children makes this planet one of the greatest examples of motherhood that we have. The only thing that can impede on her fertility is when her natural cycles are distorted from pollution, oil spills or taking too much of her life force. I am hoping that you can begin to see your own fertility process in a similar way that you experience the nature of earth.

To understand this fully I want you to imagine that you are now in your favorite natural area walking barefoot outside. Think of a park, lake or hiking trail in the woods. Close your eyes and go to this place now. What does the energy in your body feel like walking here? What season is it and what are the colors that appear? Recreate how this engaged all of your senses and a heightened state of love and expansion within. Begin to experience it fully in the present moment. Sip in the experience like a slow inhale. Send your loving energy down into the earth within this sacred region so that the earth can send her love back to you. Keep a note of this place so that you can always return to it. Rather than copying a friend’s favorite dress, what would you want to emulate in yourself from this natural place that would create a fuller expression in your femininity? Perhaps it is the silence, colors, peace, smells, feeling of expansion, or sounds.

Relationships Provide a Catalyst for Alchemical Physical, Spiritual & Emotional Changes

There are many personality flaws or ego mechanisms that can arise within relationships that create discordance between energy fields. When these types of underlying issues exist, you and your partner will not be able to create the high frequency vibration or potent energetic third field of the trinity. Unconditional love is something that humans usually only touch into for seconds, because our egos or personalities arise to create separation through our thought projections. Underneath the mind games is presence, which requires nothing from the other. Here are just a few examples of behaviors that can come between you and your partner which naturally create discordance in the unification of your fields.

Two Easy Ways to Improve Your Self-Esteem & Change Your Life

I personally struggled with an eating disorder for many years in High School. It started when I was around the age of sixteen while living in a dysfunctional family situation. I used binging on foods and purging to maintain a sense of internal control over my chaotic environment. At my worst, I was doing this several times daily in my teenage years. In between these episodes, I hardly allowed myself to eat a single item with any nutritional value. The disorder left me emotionally and physically exhausted. I was depleted, swollen from fluid imbalance, desperate, and unhappy. Carbohydrates, sugars, and an inner need for peace were all triggers. Once I had a bite, the guilt was too heavy, so I just kept going and would often consume much more than the normal person could. I would then take relief in the bathroom and leave with bloodshot eyes and deep shame.

Many women share this story, and it took me long time to heal, as it does for everyone. There is hardly a single woman I know who does not look at their body and want to change something about it. We live in a society where it is accepted to think we are not enough, and lack of self-love is rampant. The best way to weaken the strongest group of people on the planet is to make them hate themselves through propaganda and massive advertisements from the time that they can understand English. The thought form that we are not good enough has been programmed into our subconscious from the time we are in the womb onward. Our mothers, commercials, books, and mass media all portray an image that distorts our view of reality of what we should look like.