Posts Tagged ‘conception’

Flexible pregnant woman

Supplements For Fertility and Egg Health

The prenatal pill should be taken before you become pregnant, not just when you find out that you are having a baby. It benefits the first ten weeks of pregnancy and nutrients are needed for the baby’s body to begin to be made. The prenatal pill is NOT enough to fulfill all the nutrients required to create a child and protect your own needs. Studies have shown that despite taking a prenatal vitamin, women were still low in Vitamin D. Low Vitamin D levels in early life is linked to schizophrenia, diabetes and skeletal disease. Nor is choline typically added to prenatal vitamins, and deficiency of this nutrient is associated with lifelong learning deficits.

Pregnant Woman in Field

Prepare for Pregnancy & Birth through Conscious Conception

Conscious conception takes a significant amount of mental, emotional, and spiritual preparation. In ancient times yogis would take years to prepare to bring a baby into this world. Anywhere from 7 to 40 years of internal devotion and prayer was not uncommon. I know we don’t have that much time now, but there is no better time to start then now. Pregnancy is something not take on if you are not fully ready. Don’t take having a child lightly. Yogi Bhajan explained that if you are not prepared to have baby you can significantly decrease the IQ of the child and this percentage increases if both the male and the female are not prepared. This video will describe conscious conception and exactly how to do this. Enjoy!

Are You Having Trouble Getting Pregnant?

If you are having trouble becoming pregnant head over to Work With Me page for more answers. I help women all over the world through the process of conscious conception.

Women who have tried to become pregnant for a significant amount of time, over one year, may be operating on a reproductive system that lacks energy. One of the main reasons for this could be a long period of time on birth control, which teaches the body to divert resources away from the reproductive system to energetically avoid conceiving. Birth control was an amazing and progressive finding in our society and women should absolutely under no circumstances have a baby until they are ready for the sake of the child and the mother.

Yogi Bhajan said, “It is very essential for the woman to be very, very sensible because then only can she create in the child of tomorrow, the very manifestation to be a very sensible person.” Birth control is important. Don’t stop it until you are ready and willing to bring a child on to this planet. Just begin to connect to your womb and mentally, emotionally, and spiritually prepare yourself for the coming of your child long before you are ready to conceive. Your reproductive system is its own entity and has its own soul and life. Your womb requires conscious attention and nurturing to keep it connected to heaven.

Anjai Meditation Pose

Kundalini Meditation for Fertility & Ovary Adjustment

Andaj Kriya as Taught by Yogi Bhajan

This meditation helps to adjust the ovaries in women, which will assist with conception.

Yogi Bhajan said, “You want your kidneys and ovaries to become balanced? Just balance your hands straight before you. Don’t do anything else. Am I asking you to meditate or do anything? No. Just don’t be irritated. That’s all I’m saying. Don’t react. You will react. Yes, yes. The ovaries are getting adjusted. And if the egg has been released by the wrong ovary, you will find a surprise in your body. You have to adjust your ovaries every month, and there’s no other way other than the Andaj kriya. There’s no other kriya which can do it. This is the elbow and this is ninety degrees, absolutely parallel. It automatically stretches the body and the entire area and the action and reaction will balance. Remember when you had an ovarian cyst, and what it cost with all the insurance?”

Pregnant Woman

Conscious Conception: Plan Your Pregnancy (video)

The most important concepts you must understand regarding conscious conception is that it takes a significant amount of mental, emotional, and spiritual preparation and that pregnancy is something you should absolutely not take on if you are not fully ready. People all over the world are procreating, but as we can see, not much has improved. This is why conscious conception is so important, and if you are reading this and prepared to do the work, you could change the planet. Throughout this book, I will refer to the male and female “partnership” when it comes to creating and raising a child because essentially that’s the base equation needed to produce, but I understand that families are made up of all sorts of equations. I am speaking to the single moms, split families, grandmothers, aunts, and fathers at different points throughout the text too as there are many ways to raise a child, and everyone needs to be on board. Conception requires just an ovum and a sperm, but if you want to do it consciously, and you are ready to bring a high vibrational Being on to this planet, I am here to discuss some things that should have been put into mass consumption years ago.
As a conscious and prepared woman, you need to be ready and not take the responsibility or bringing a life into this world lightly.

“It is absolutely wrong to be pregnant when you are spiritually, mentally, emotionally, or physically unprepared. It has been estimated that in a very fast society, eighty percent of all conceptions happen by chance… It is a very sad situation. To be very frank and honest, it will ruin the IQ of the child up to thirty-three percent. One-third of the possible IQ of the child, his potential health, his faculty of creativity, and his intelligence to deal with his personal security will be ruined if the mother was physically, mentally, and spiritually unprepared to conceive the child, and it will be a loss of another twenty percent if the father is similarly unprepared. Before it happens, the pregnancy should be totally, emotionally, characteristically, analytically, materially, physically, mentally, and spiritually discussed, planned, and noted down.”- Yogi Bhajan