Posts Tagged ‘pregnant’

Meditations to Boost Fertility

Meditations and Actions to Boost Fertility

 Walking Meditation: While walking, tell your womb that you are one hundred percent ready to conceive now and fully behind your decision. Honor your reproductive system not with demands but with respectful guidance. While walking, you can call upon the Angel of Fertility for additional support throughout your journey. Do this exercise daily to remain connected and give your system permission to become pregnant.

 Breathing White Light: While lying on your back, take deep breathes into your abdomen, expanding up to your lungs. With each inhale, draw the white light into your womb. When you are doing this, you are taking the attention out of your head and directing the energy to another part of your body. Let your body know that it is now your sacred mission to become pregnant and you are fully ready to consciously bring a child into this world.

 If you don’t know what the reproductive system looks like, you might want to get a picture of it so that you can actually visualize how the egg and sperm come together during conception and feel this in your body.


The main reasons you MUST avoid sugar & vegetable oils

Poor utero nutrition can contribute to childhood obesity. This applies to both women who do not eat enough nutrition and those that eat too much of unhealthy foods such as junk food. Children born to overweight mothers are epigentically programmed to build adipose tissue at birth because in both cases the babies experience nutrient deficiencies. When the mother is not getting enough of the right nutrients for health the child inside is programmed to feel that there is not enough. If the intrauterine environment is lacking when the child comes out he or she will always be feeling that scarcity on a cellular level and consistently be desiring more food. The mother actually programs the child to be overweight because in utero the child never had enough.

Many of the women who are eating fast food in pregnancy could actually be significantly harming their child. Research showed that a high level of endotoxin, a word that means inner poison, was found in individuals after eating McDonalds. When endotoxin is found in the body the immune system immediately believes that a foreign invader has arrived which results in a significant amount of inflammation. Inflammation in turn negatively effects your microbiome and thus the DNA of your cells affecting your entire health. One in four Americans eat fast food regularly and reducing this high carbohydrate, sugar and trans fat diet during pregnancy could be as critical to pregnancy as stopping consumption of alcohol or drugs.

Meditation to Get You What You Want

Sat Kriya as Taught by Yogi Bhajan

This Kriya is a fundamental and simple meditation that you can do daily to increase your self-esteem and stimulate the sexual system. It is one of the best and most important meditations given by Yogi Bhajan because it works directly on stimulating the Kundalini energy and creating a high amount of energy in the system. It balances the lower chakras, increases the capacity of the heart, improves overall health, and balances sexual impulses. It will help to get you what you want. If you want to get pregnant, do this meditation!

Flowers blooming simply

Prayer, Prosperity and Receiving a Baby

Gurprasaad is a meditation for prayer, prosperity, and receiving. You can use this meditation specifically for calling in a baby when you are ready to become pregnant. If you are having a difficult time conceiving, in need of natural fertility or are in the process of in vitro fertilization (IVF) – this meditation will reduce your stress and anxiety. Please watch the video and head to the Work With Me page for more help.

“Just let it happen — health, wealth, happiness, your caliber, capacity. Fill your heart, fill your soul with whatever comes from the nature. This meditation is very restful. The pressure on the meridian points on the ribcage gives immediate relaxation.”

Pregnant Woman in Field

How you can change the DNA of Your child in the womb

According to Bruce Lipton, author of The Biology of Belief, a cell’s life is controlled by its physical and energetic environment with only a small portion managed by its genes. He discovered this while working with cells in petri dishes. When he created a healthy environment for cells they thrived. When he did not they struggled. By readjusting the conditions for the cells in his petri dishes he could make sick cells well again. This ultimately means that cells are responsive, and change according to their environmental signals.

Understanding this is critical before you become pregnant because it means that the cells within your growing fetus, which are quadrupling and massive rate every second, can be programmed. This is something that the ancient yogis have always known, but now science is catching up. Environmental signals that affect cells are thoughts, beliefs, emotions and nutrition because all of these things are a form of energy. Bruce Lipton’s discovery was a game changer because it was the beginning of the merge between the fields of science and Spirit.