Pregnant Woman in Field

How you can change the DNA of Your child in the womb

According to Bruce Lipton, author of The Biology of Belief, a cell’s life is controlled by its physical and energetic environment with only a small portion managed by its genes. He discovered this while working with cells in petri dishes. When he created a healthy environment for cells they thrived. When he did not they struggled. By readjusting the conditions for the cells in his petri dishes he could make sick cells well again. This ultimately means that cells are responsive, and change according to their environmental signals.

Understanding this is critical before you become pregnant because it means that the cells within your growing fetus, which are quadrupling and massive rate every second, can be programmed. This is something that the ancient yogis have always known, but now science is catching up. Environmental signals that affect cells are thoughts, beliefs, emotions and nutrition because all of these things are a form of energy. Bruce Lipton’s discovery was a game changer because it was the beginning of the merge between the fields of science and Spirit.

His work has become one of the fastest growing areas of scientific research, which is called behavioral epigenetics. This field is showing that genes are dynamic and responsive to everything that you think and do. Epigenetics demonstrates that you are in control of your gene activity and can enhance your genome through a better connection to your mind, body and spirit. You must begin to think of these attributes as one unit that is constantly interacting and communicating, similar to a computer or telephone system.

Everything you eat, think or feel is received by this whole system creating messages and memories that are being sent directly to your DNA. This complex system holds the past, present and future information of the planet. Your genome actually holds the memories of your ancestors and you will likely pass these memories on to your children.

I would like to apply the concepts you have learned regarding behavioral epigenetics to the growth period of pregnancy. You can alter and enhance the child in your womb during pregnancy by improving your internal (thoughts, emotions, and beliefs) and external (food and toxins) environmental input. Bruce Lipton demonstrated in his research that cells are primarily molded by their environment, not by the DNA that is held within them.

In our mother’s womb, we all begin life as a fertilized egg which is a cell. Within the nucleus of this cell is the chromosomes contributed by your parents. This egg develops into an adult that is made up of trillions of cells. Within every one of those cells is the same set of genes from the original cell. What you should now understand is that cells have the ability to adjust and change according to their surroundings. By improving your body, mind and spirit before conception or during the time of pregnancy you have the power to affect this Universal series of events and the consciousness of your child, eliminating familial patterns that date back many generations and possibly thousands of years.

Lipton compared the cell to a computer because both are programmed by a source from outside themselves. You can think of each cell in your body as computer chip. Data can be edited at any point. This is important for you to understand because during pregnancy the fetus grows at an astonishing rate replicating cells every second. The brain of a baby in utero grows at the rate of 250,000 nerve cells per minute. This is by far is the most critical time of human development so applying the concepts of these astonishing, and relatively new, scientific findings should be of the utmost importance to you. Behavioral epigenetics is proving that cells are responsive and conscious. You are naturally going to program or affect the cells of your growing child in utero, it is up to you whether you are conscious about the data you put in or not.

The time between conception and birth creates the characteristics and destiny of the child for a lifetime. The ancient yogis knew this and women who wanted to bring advanced souls to the earth would spend a significant amount of time in meditation of prayer, which is something I wrote about in detail in my previous book Mystical Motherhood. Pregnancy is the most crucial time of development and possibly the missing link to creating an enhanced individual, and even an enhanced world population.

While I was in nursing school and training to become a nurse practitioner I never once heard a professor teach that the thoughts, emotions, or stress level of the pregnant mother matter. Western medical professionals care about whether the patient is meeting testing parameters and statistics. They follow a basic protocol for prenatal visits. Depending on what phase of pregnancy you are in you will receive a series of tests to determine the fetus’ level of health and wellbeing. What the medical community is missing is what is happening on an emotional, mental and even spiritual level to the growth of the fetus’ cells. This can’t be quantified thus it will not be tested.

Medical professionals typically do not ask about working conditions, home environment or internal stressors of the pregnant woman. If a woman says yes they need help – in fact they are in danger, scared, and stressed during pregnancy- they are passed on to another medical professional who may or may not be able to get them out of that situation.

So what can you do? Share this information! Improve your diet, meditate, exercise, reduce stress while you are pregnant! All of these things are important and all of these will be discussed in this blog. So keep reading along. You can start meditating right now with Kundalini meditation below.

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