Take These Steps to Heal Your Mother Wound

Watch the video to below to understand all of the ways that your mother effects your life. This is a common issue I see with clients so I have included a couple of exercises that will help you navigate any past trauma and heal from it. If you need further help contact Mystical Motherhood or contact Celestine Star as she can direct you further on how to release family contracts. Some of the following information is from an interview I completed with her and her life’s work of healing people.

Healing Your Inner Child: Learn to Mother Yourself

1. List all your traumas or dramas between the ages of 0 and 12 (if your mother has got some really good in-utero ones list those too).

2. Rescue your inner child and begin to mother her. This can be done at one age or multiple. You can find this child in any memories that still haunt you or memories left unhealed.

3. Take some time to tell this child that you love her and she is not alone. Hold her and make sure she knows how cared for she is. You can even hold a pillow while doing this. Allow any tears to flow or screams to arise.

4. Go into the memory – the actual room of the trauma or drama – and pick up this child. Carry her out of the house or place her somewhere that feels safe and secure. Create a loving home for her and a place that you can return to in meditation. Make sure she has all the amenities to keep her happy.

5. Talk to the perpetrators or past caretakers – whoever it is that caused you pain. You must be the adult that shuts them down because in the deep subconscious mind this is still happening to you in the present moment. Whatever the subconscious mind needs to do in order to dissolve the issues, do it. Put these adults in parenting school, bring angels in to take care of them, take them to a healing place, put them in jail or take them to court. Do something in your mind’s eye that releases the pain and creates justice.

6. By mothering yourself you will become a better mother. If these wounds are left unhealed they will creep back into your own experiences – triggering you – while raising your children. The cycle stops with you.

Understanding Your Earthly Contracts: A Writing Exercise

1. Why did you choose this? Why did you choose the events in your life? Why did you choose your family? You shouldn’t be shocked by these questions as we are all the creators of our own realities.

2. Close your eyes and go back to the time before you were born. Imagine yourself looking down from a higher dimension at your mother’s womb. You know what your life will be like as you are looking at this family of your choice. You are attracted to your mother’s frequency, but why? What will you learn through her? By choosing this family you will experience specific events that will physically affect your body, mind and spirit in this lifetime, but you chose it anyway. What have you learned since your choice, and what benefits have you gained from these lessons?

3. Ask yourself these questions when it comes to the people and the experiences that you have dealt with (you can do this with each significant experience individually):

Is it a personal agreement? This would mean that you have done this to others and need to have it done to yourself. Or you needed to experience this to heal it for yourself or a generational line.

Or was it a mission? Meaning you chose your family or the experience so that you could understand the pain and help others. The mission is for everyone and for the ALL. You may go in and experience a rapist – the totality of the pain the grief – so that you can be a healer and heal others. You need to feel the pain of humanity to be a true healer and be trusted that you have the compassion and integrity to hold others up like this. You walk into the fire and then you come out as a diamond.

4. Once you know if it was a personal agreement or a mission you can complete the following ceremony. Say these words out loud: I hear by release my contracts and/or soul tribes (which is your family and friends) or attachments to these lessons. You can visualize the contracts between specific people and yourself burning. Cut all the cords that may be attached between your bodies. After doing this the dynamics of these relationships will change.

5. Acknowledge if your mother, father or brother is your soul tribe. When one is ready to move on to the next higher self you need to let go of your soul tribe, which is a group of souls that you may have spent many lifetimes together learning lessons with. When you let go of this group you will become ready to accept your divinity and be unified into the consciousness of all.

6. Create a symbol to anchor your new life. This is the first shape that comes to mind. Symbols are forms of energy and communication which allow Spirit to speak a vast amount of information quickly. Take some time to let it un-fold around you.

7. Once you change these agreements the world around you will change. Your universe will rearrange itself to accommodate your new ideas about reality.

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