Meditation Pose

How to Avoid Nutrient Depletion in Pregnancy

Approximately seventy-four percent of American women are lacking proper nutrients in their diet. The effects of this level of depletion may not be apparent in your current state of health, but at some moment in time down the genetic chain someone in your family will suffer from this level of loss. Our genome has been maltreated for too many years, which may be the cause of the massive reproduction issues we are now experiencing.

Each generation will suffer more if we don’t start to pay closer attention to our body’s needs. It is only natural that we will start to see more problems with health in years to come, as individuals will likely begin to physically age faster, suffer emotionally and develop diseases at higher rates. In order to protect your children, you not only need to eat right, but you also must consider spacing your children or fully replenishing your nutrient levels between each pregnancy.

Meditation for childhood trauma, bad memories and attachment

I started doing this Kundalini Yoga meditation almost a year ago and have worked through many of my attachments to people and situations that no longer serve me. If you are stuck repeating the same patterns over and over again and are ready to make a change in your life this is the meditation for you. It will help to elevate you beyond your family programming. If you are planning to become pregnant it will eliminate any negative programming from your childhood so that your son or daughter does not have to repeat the same energetic sequence of events in his or her life. Wow! That is powerful.

The meditation was actually taught by Yogi Bhajan as a “childhood meditation”. You can practice this with your children. Children follow what you do not what you say. By simply meditating in front of your children you are doing them a great amount of good. If they see you doing this consistently as they grow they will assume that meditation is a normal part of their day. If you are not sure how to begin to teach your children meditation this is a short description taken from the Aquarian Child Manual below.

Vesca Pisces

Healing Your Inner Child: Learn to Mother Yourself

Take These Steps to Heal Your Inner Child

1. List all your traumas or dramas between the ages of zero and twelve (if your mother has told you stories about negative events that happened while you were in utero, list those too as they can be addressed in the same way).

2. Rescue your inner child and begin to mother her. This can be done at one age or multiple ages. You can find this child in any memories that still haunt you or in memories left unhealed.

3. Take some time to tell this child that you love her and she is not alone. Hold her and make sure she knows how cared for she is. You can even hold a pillow while doing this. Allow any tears to flow or screams to arise.

Put Yourself in Time Out

You have no right to tell the child what to do. The child has the right to know what is good and what is bad. If you teach the child good and bad, the child will never leave you. There’s no better student. You have never accepted a child as a God-given student. You accept the child as your possession. That’s your mistake. – Yogi Bhajan

Why are mothers so controlling? Where does this come from? I know what it feels like when the stress is high, the kids are screaming, you need to make dinner and you just want to run away or have a glass of wine because the pressure is on.

When shit hits the fan, our first reaction is avoid our children or sometimes place them in another room because it is too much to deal with. Let me tell you something – when you do this it is because they are triggering something deep within you, a reaction from your past. Placing children in time out is a way for you to get control, not them, and here is why.

Top 16 Questions to Ask When Picking Your Pediatrician

“The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.” –Thomas Edison

For some new parents, picking a pediatrician is a daunting task. Your family needs a pediatrician who you can trust, who will listen, and will help support you through the transition into parenthood. It is important to be prepared and ready to ask the right questions in order to find a good match. The search for the right practitioner varies depending on where you live, the amount of time you have, whether you carry insurance, and your belief systems toward medicine.

When I went through the pediatrician search, I was completely shocked by the process, but I also lived in San Francisco where women sign up for preschool while they are still pregnant. True story! I knew there was competition for schools in San Francisco, but I had no idea there was also a lot of stress and very long waiting lists for doctors. It was so competitive that some offices have drawings for new patients, but that is another story. It was important for me to begin searching early and know what type of doctor I preferred.