Top 16 Questions to Ask When Picking Your Pediatrician

“The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.” –Thomas Edison

For some new parents, picking a pediatrician is a daunting task. Your family needs a pediatrician who you can trust, who will listen, and will help support you through the transition into parenthood. It is important to be prepared and ready to ask the right questions in order to find a good match. The search for the right practitioner varies depending on where you live, the amount of time you have, whether you carry insurance, and your belief systems toward medicine.

When I went through the pediatrician search, I was completely shocked by the process, but I also lived in San Francisco where women sign up for preschool while they are still pregnant. True story! I knew there was competition for schools in San Francisco, but I had no idea there was also a lot of stress and very long waiting lists for doctors. It was so competitive that some offices have drawings for new patients, but that is another story. It was important for me to begin searching early and know what type of doctor I preferred.

You should begin your search for the right practitioner early, meaning while you are still pregnant. I would recommend to start three months before your due date. Searches include pediatricians, family doctors, and nurse practitioners. You can always ask your obstetrician or midwife for referrals or go to the American Academy of Pediatrics. This website provides referrals to practitioners who have graduated from an accredited medical school, completed their residency program, and passed the board exam in pediatrics. This doesn’t necessarily mean that these individuals have an open heart and open mind though. Make sure that the doctor or nurse practitioner you choose is accustomed to all kinds of parenting styles, is open to listening to your needs, and is neutral with decisions. Make sure you make a list of your family’s needs and values so you will attract the right practitioner for your family.

There are a variety of things to look for when finding a pediatrician. Here is a list of questions you might want to consider asking during your search.

 What hospitals do you work in?
 For after-hours emergencies, do you meet families outside of the office? If not, who handles this? Where would we go?
 Do you have staff that are available to answer all my questions? How long does it take to hear back from them if so?
 How long is the average wait?
 Who covers for you if you are unavailable or out of town?
 Do you take acute/urgent appointments that day?
 What are your philosophies toward health?
 How do you keep up to date on current medical trends?
 How often are you on call? Weekends?
 What insurance do you take?
 Do you bill insurance?
 Are you ever available for phone consultations?
 How do you feel about vaccinations and alternate schedules?
 How do you treat jaundice or colic in newborns?
 Do you believe in alternative medicine techniques and implement these methods in your practice?
 How do you feel about breastfeeding? Do you ever ask mothers to supplement?

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