Top 16 Questions to Ask When Picking Your Pediatrician

“The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.” –Thomas Edison

For some new parents, picking a pediatrician is a daunting task. Your family needs a pediatrician who you can trust, who will listen, and will help support you through the transition into parenthood. It is important to be prepared and ready to ask the right questions in order to find a good match. The search for the right practitioner varies depending on where you live, the amount of time you have, whether you carry insurance, and your belief systems toward medicine.

When I went through the pediatrician search, I was completely shocked by the process, but I also lived in San Francisco where women sign up for preschool while they are still pregnant. True story! I knew there was competition for schools in San Francisco, but I had no idea there was also a lot of stress and very long waiting lists for doctors. It was so competitive that some offices have drawings for new patients, but that is another story. It was important for me to begin searching early and know what type of doctor I preferred.

An Expert’s Advice on How To Breastfeed & Bottle Feed Your Baby

“Imagine that the world had created a new ‘dream product’ to feed and immunize everyone born on earth. Imagine also that it was available everywhere, required no storage or delivery, and helped mothers plan their families and reduce the risk of cancer. Then imagine that the world refused to use it.”
–Frank Oski

From my own experience and background in helping many women learn to breastfeed, I have created a “go to” list for new and experienced mothers with the best tips on breastfeeding. This list includes all the information I wish I had been given prior to the birth of my children and has been very valuable to the patients I have worked with and my friends. Despite my background in medicine, when I had my children, I had a lot of unanswered questions, because it takes time and effort.

Below you will find information on breastfeeding, bottle-feeding, pumping, growth spurts, and how to handle your baby’s fussy periods. Breastfeeding is a sacred time that allows you to bond with your baby. It also provides the very best nutrients for your baby’s growth and immune system. If you are on the fence about breastfeeding, attempt it for as long as you possibly can to see how it feels, and then make your decision after researching both the pros and cons.

Ayurveda in the first 40 days postpartum -video

“These days mothers have no time. That’s why we want those forty days—not as a punishment. We are asking that for those forty days the mother and child be together so that creativity and values can be established. From the 120th day in the womb to those forty days from birth, the entire character and values of the child are built” –Yogi Bhajan

After giving birth, your psychophysiology is as delicate as your baby’s, and you are in a special six-week window of healing that requires a significant amount of love and support. The yogic and Ayurvedic systems believe that the first forty to forty-two days after birth equals the next three to forty years of the mother’s health, depending on how she spends her time postpartum. The choices a mother makes in regards to support and rejuvenation after her birth are potent and can ultimately affect her health for the rest of her life. The Western medical system and society in general brushes off the significance of this period, which is detrimental to the mother and the baby. It takes time to heal, for the organs to go back into place, and for the energetic system of the female to stabilize. If you take care of yourself well within this period, you will recover in around three to five months. If you do not, you may suffer from exhaustion relapse that can takes years to recover from emotionally, physically, and spiritually.