Flexible pregnant woman

Supplements For Fertility and Egg Health

The prenatal pill should be taken before you become pregnant, not just when you find out that you are having a baby. It benefits the first ten weeks of pregnancy and nutrients are needed for the baby’s body to begin to be made. The prenatal pill is NOT enough to fulfill all the nutrients required to create a child and protect your own needs. Studies have shown that despite taking a prenatal vitamin, women were still low in Vitamin D. Low Vitamin D levels in early life is linked to schizophrenia, diabetes and skeletal disease. Nor is choline typically added to prenatal vitamins, and deficiency of this nutrient is associated with lifelong learning deficits.

Kirtan Kriya Meditation for Fertility & Mental Clarity

This meditation is from the Kundalini heritage and was taught by Yogi Bhajan. It can be done daily during pregnancy, and music to follow along can be found online and on YouTube. The Kirtan Kriya will help to balance your mood and emotions. It will also help to regulate your menstrual cycle, which is vital when you are trying to become pregnant. You can also do it back to back with your partner to combine your energies. It improves the memory and brain function and balances the glandular system.

Sit with your legs crossed and spine straight to start. The SA-TA-NA-MA meditation helps to release haunting, limiting patterns of the subconscious mind and prepare a couple for pregnancy. As you chant, imagine energy flowing through the top of your head, or your crown center, and out your third eye, or the place mid-brow between your eyebrows, in an L shape. This helps to circulate your breath and the energy of the sound current.

How to Conceive and Birth a Conscious Child

What is a Crystalline Child?

The purpose of FERTILE is to help you clear historical density from your bloodline so that you can attract a crystalline soul. Assuming that children pick their parents, this type of soul has no or less karmic links to the planet and selects parents according to their light quotient and vibrational frequency. When children like this are born they will not have to spend the majority of their lives working through personal problems, familial issues, wounds or attachments which are typically created from past bloodlines or previous lifetimes. Essentially, these children are clear from the past because you have done the work to clear yourself. You can think of them as disconnected from cultural or societal belief systems that may hold them back in life. These children will be able to complete great missions or achievements to help this earth to thrive without the personal resistance or self-sabotage that the typical human faces as a result of their energetic and genetic makeup.

Family cooking together in the morning, playing with flour

Nutrient Depletion in Pregnancy & Spacing Pregnancies

Approximately 74% of American women are lacking proper nutrients in their diet. The effects of this level of depletion may not be currently apparent in your state of health, but at some moment in time down the genetic chain someone in your family will suffer from this level of loss. Our genome has been squandered for too many years, which may be the cause of the massive reproduction issues we are now experiencing. Each generation will suffer more if we don’t start to pay closer attention to our body’s needs. It is only natural that we will start to see more problems with health in years to come as individuals will likely begin to physically age faster, suffer emotionally and develop diseases at higher rates. In order to protect your children, you not only need to eat right, but you also must consider spacing your children or fully replenishing your nutrient levels between each pregnancy.

In the Western culture, it is common for women to have babies later in life. As a result of this, if they choose to have multiple children, they are birthing them closer together. This does not allow for their bodies to build back proper nutrient reserves, which affects the child’s genome and the mother’s health. Catherine Shanahan explained in her book, Deep Nutrition: Why Your Genes Need Nutritional Food, that the fetus behaves similar to a parasite within the womb and is oblivious to the health of the host. The baby will take whatever it needs in order to survive. You will possibly have enough nutrients for your first baby, but will likely be depleted after having more children if you don’t renew your level of health. The women of some tribal cultures naturally understood this. They used to attempt to separate their children by three to four years in order to ensure that their bodies would have enough time to nutritionally build themselves back up. They did this naturally to protect the health of their future generations and their genome.

Relationships Provide a Catalyst for Alchemical Physical, Spiritual & Emotional Changes

There are many personality flaws or ego mechanisms that can arise within relationships that create discordance between energy fields. When these types of underlying issues exist, you and your partner will not be able to create the high frequency vibration or potent energetic third field of the trinity. Unconditional love is something that humans usually only touch into for seconds, because our egos or personalities arise to create separation through our thought projections. Underneath the mind games is presence, which requires nothing from the other. Here are just a few examples of behaviors that can come between you and your partner which naturally create discordance in the unification of your fields.


The main reasons you MUST avoid sugar & vegetable oils

Poor utero nutrition can contribute to childhood obesity. This applies to both women who do not eat enough nutrition and those that eat too much of unhealthy foods such as junk food. Children born to overweight mothers are epigentically programmed to build adipose tissue at birth because in both cases the babies experience nutrient deficiencies. When the mother is not getting enough of the right nutrients for health the child inside is programmed to feel that there is not enough. If the intrauterine environment is lacking when the child comes out he or she will always be feeling that scarcity on a cellular level and consistently be desiring more food. The mother actually programs the child to be overweight because in utero the child never had enough.

Many of the women who are eating fast food in pregnancy could actually be significantly harming their child. Research showed that a high level of endotoxin, a word that means inner poison, was found in individuals after eating McDonalds. When endotoxin is found in the body the immune system immediately believes that a foreign invader has arrived which results in a significant amount of inflammation. Inflammation in turn negatively effects your microbiome and thus the DNA of your cells affecting your entire health. One in four Americans eat fast food regularly and reducing this high carbohydrate, sugar and trans fat diet during pregnancy could be as critical to pregnancy as stopping consumption of alcohol or drugs.