Learn why it is important to eat healthy and detox before pregnancy

The toxic overload humans are facing today makes it much harder to connect to the subtle state of oneness that our ancestors once had, and we must now work much harder to detoxify and repair our bodies. This is especially important if we are carrying children or if you are planning on becoming pregnant. You want to create a clean body before conception because this something you can’t do while pregnant. Individuals like Villoldo, many other professionals on the planet, and myself are urging people to clean their diet by eliminating some of the toxins that are damaging the gut and taking away the good bacteria needed for health. There is a great movement toward a diet that lacks gluten and is free of sugar, dairy, genetically modified organisms (GMOs), and heavy metals. It is important to release these toxins but also vital to replenish our system with the nutrients and supplements required to create healthy gut flora.

Ayurveda in the first 40 days postpartum -video

“These days mothers have no time. That’s why we want those forty days—not as a punishment. We are asking that for those forty days the mother and child be together so that creativity and values can be established. From the 120th day in the womb to those forty days from birth, the entire character and values of the child are built” –Yogi Bhajan

After giving birth, your psychophysiology is as delicate as your baby’s, and you are in a special six-week window of healing that requires a significant amount of love and support. The yogic and Ayurvedic systems believe that the first forty to forty-two days after birth equals the next three to forty years of the mother’s health, depending on how she spends her time postpartum. The choices a mother makes in regards to support and rejuvenation after her birth are potent and can ultimately affect her health for the rest of her life. The Western medical system and society in general brushes off the significance of this period, which is detrimental to the mother and the baby. It takes time to heal, for the organs to go back into place, and for the energetic system of the female to stabilize. If you take care of yourself well within this period, you will recover in around three to five months. If you do not, you may suffer from exhaustion relapse that can takes years to recover from emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

Silhouette of a pregnant woman

Tantric Sex Practices for Conscious Conception: Video

“That is why, if the house is spiritual, then man enters a temple and then is a relationship of a devotee and a priestess. If you can create those hypnoses in the house, your man will never look out of the window, doesn’t matter what. All men want a priestess, fairies and Goddesses but they will never ever admit it.” –Yogi Bhajan

Learn some basic steps to creating a conscious child and the ways to amplify your auric field, or energy, at the time of conception. Check out this video where I guide you through the process of conscious conception.

Flowers blooming simply

Prayer, Prosperity and Receiving a Baby

Gurprasaad is a meditation for prayer, prosperity, and receiving. You can use this meditation specifically for calling in a baby when you are ready to become pregnant. If you are having a difficult time conceiving, in need of natural fertility or are in the process of in vitro fertilization (IVF) – this meditation will reduce your stress and anxiety. Please watch the video and head to the Work With Me page for more help.

“Just let it happen — health, wealth, happiness, your caliber, capacity. Fill your heart, fill your soul with whatever comes from the nature. This meditation is very restful. The pressure on the meridian points on the ribcage gives immediate relaxation.”

Peace at the ocean

Organize your house & get rid of clutter – Video

“Every minute you spend looking through clutter, wondering where you put this or that, being unable to focus because you’re not organized costs you: time you could have spent with family or friends, time you could have been productive around the house, time you could have been making money.” –Jean Chatzky

Clutter is anything that is getting in the way of you living the life of your dreams and can take the form of mental thoughts, excess weight, physical items, money, or even relationships. Clutter can be internal or external. Here we are going to focus on the connection between clutter in your home and your overall wellbeing. If your house is constantly a mess, you hold on to items from the past, or you have not completed a spring cleaning—like ever—in your life, it is time to find out the meaning behind your clutter.