Know Your 11 Moon Centers and Rule the World

Beyond the planetary fluctuations and menstrual cycles we also have 11 moon centers that fluctuate every 2.5 days. Men only have one moon center at their chin, which should ideally be covered with hair in order to ground and stabilize the male. Women on the other hand are constantly moving in their emotions like the oceans and its tides. The benefit of knowing which moon cycle you are in is that this understanding provides clarity as to why your moods fluctuate so much.

Knowing what moon center you are in will help you to plan what to do in activities and life. It will also make you feel significantly less crazy as to why you may be moody, sad, focused, in love or insecure. Knowing yourself in every way is a way to gain your power back. The moon centers are subtle, but when you know which center your consciousness is residing in you will become incredibly intuitive. Yogi Bhajan said that the women who know their 11 moon centers will rule the Age of Aquarius.

5 Ways to Know Your Physical Elements are Unbalanced & Heal

A snippet of my new book FERTILE.

Unfortunately, it usually takes someone hitting rock bottom before they are ready to make changes in their life or clear limiting patterns, painful memories or self- sabotaging tendencies. For some, it is a lot easier to forge ahead and numb the pain on a Friday night then actually deal with it. You don’t know how bad it is, or how much better it can actually become, until you are forced to take a deep look in the mirror and make a change. You can continue to blame every relationship or person in your life for your issues, but it really has nothing to do with them. It is all you love.

If you haven’t had the chance to see how your past effects your present this section should shine some light on this area for you. If you have tried to hide or ignore physical or sexual abuse, traumatic births, miscarriages or abortions (or anything that directly affects your body or body image) it is time to look at these wounds head on. Even if none of this has happened to you I know that you have a friend or a distant family member who has been effected. You have the power to heal this for all of these women. This work matters because until all of us are ready to rise up there is still more work to do on earth. My hope is that you can begin to see all your weaknesses and heal them for your children.

How to Rise Up and Create Boundaries

When making life changes for personal wellbeing resistance may arise at any time. A part of you is likely feeling that life has too many real stresses to manage without getting down. I feel you. I know that most of our histories make it hard to overcome our patterns and neurotic tendencies. I also know that there are legitimate painful and stressful experiences that can arise at any moment such as a death, divorce, job loss or family dynamics. Life isn’t always a breeze and our minds can easily get carried away with how difficult things are. One of my teachers taught me the following Yogi Bhajan quote to repeat out loud three times, “Let the whole world fall, but not Chelsea Ann Wiley.” Say it out loud with me now using your own name, “Let the whole world fall, but not…”. Now say it again two more times like you mean it.

This is the type of assertive energy you have to maintain when you are protecting the life inside of you from outside programming. Mama Bear knows best. You must trust yourself and know what type of people, places, noises or activities will trigger you. Avoiding external stress whenever possible will help you to create internal mental peace. If you want to keep your mind neutral it may be necessary to skip certain experiences that tend to upset you while you are trying to conceive or are pregnant. During this sacred period of time your peace and harmony should be an absolute priority.

3 Quick Ways to Reduce Anger & Anxiety

Are you ready to improve your life? Sick of feeling angry and neurotic? Let me help you with these three simple ways to reduce anxiety. Watch the video below to learn more.

What does breathe and meditation do to change your life???…..You will have more peak experiences throughout the day, times of insight, and a deeper connection to your world. Your concentration on tasks at work or at home will increase, your ability to make decisions will improve, and you will learn more efficiently. If you want to correctly interpret reality and have a bright, powerful, and uncluttered personality, you need to start a meditation practice.

How to Utilize the Energy of Planet Earth to Increase Your Fertility

Mother Earth provides the greatest example we have of fertility. At her best, she creates life in ample abundance and flows forth everything needed for others to prosper. She magnifies the words lush, prosperity, wealth, health, reproduction and elegance. She has the power to create heaven within her ethereal body. Her ability to provide for her children makes this planet one of the greatest examples of motherhood that we have. The only thing that can impede on her fertility is when her natural cycles are distorted from pollution, oil spills or taking too much of her life force. I am hoping that you can begin to see your own fertility process in a similar way that you experience the nature of earth.

To understand this fully I want you to imagine that you are now in your favorite natural area walking barefoot outside. Think of a park, lake or hiking trail in the woods. Close your eyes and go to this place now. What does the energy in your body feel like walking here? What season is it and what are the colors that appear? Recreate how this engaged all of your senses and a heightened state of love and expansion within. Begin to experience it fully in the present moment. Sip in the experience like a slow inhale. Send your loving energy down into the earth within this sacred region so that the earth can send her love back to you. Keep a note of this place so that you can always return to it. Rather than copying a friend’s favorite dress, what would you want to emulate in yourself from this natural place that would create a fuller expression in your femininity? Perhaps it is the silence, colors, peace, smells, feeling of expansion, or sounds.

The Adi Shakti Meditation to Upgrade Your Baby & Yourself

“I feel you must have some time when you are in difficulty. Rather than calling on help from friends and prayer, call the Maha Shakti and see what happens. When India and Indian woman knew this mantra, it dwelt in the land of milk and honey. When they forgot it, it became a hell. Only the forgetting of this mantra has given birth to MTV… But when a woman knew this mantra she was a living goddess. Without Maha Shakti, God cannot Manifest anything. This is the mantra.” –Yogi Bhajan

The time between the 120th day and the seventh month is the most important period during pregnancy because it forms the fundamental personality of the child. If the mother is incredibly reactive, the child will likely be too. Any neurosis or glitches in the mother’s system will be passed on to the baby especially during this period of time. The people and personalities she is with, emotions she feels, and her environmental surroundings all matter.