Family cooking together in the morning, playing with flour

Nutrient Depletion in Pregnancy & Spacing Pregnancies

Approximately 74% of American women are lacking proper nutrients in their diet. The effects of this level of depletion may not be currently apparent in your state of health, but at some moment in time down the genetic chain someone in your family will suffer from this level of loss. Our genome has been squandered for too many years, which may be the cause of the massive reproduction issues we are now experiencing. Each generation will suffer more if we don’t start to pay closer attention to our body’s needs. It is only natural that we will start to see more problems with health in years to come as individuals will likely begin to physically age faster, suffer emotionally and develop diseases at higher rates. In order to protect your children, you not only need to eat right, but you also must consider spacing your children or fully replenishing your nutrient levels between each pregnancy.

In the Western culture, it is common for women to have babies later in life. As a result of this, if they choose to have multiple children, they are birthing them closer together. This does not allow for their bodies to build back proper nutrient reserves, which affects the child’s genome and the mother’s health. Catherine Shanahan explained in her book, Deep Nutrition: Why Your Genes Need Nutritional Food, that the fetus behaves similar to a parasite within the womb and is oblivious to the health of the host. The baby will take whatever it needs in order to survive. You will possibly have enough nutrients for your first baby, but will likely be depleted after having more children if you don’t renew your level of health. The women of some tribal cultures naturally understood this. They used to attempt to separate their children by three to four years in order to ensure that their bodies would have enough time to nutritionally build themselves back up. They did this naturally to protect the health of their future generations and their genome.

5 Ways to Know Your Physical Elements are Unbalanced & Heal

A snippet of my new book FERTILE.

Unfortunately, it usually takes someone hitting rock bottom before they are ready to make changes in their life or clear limiting patterns, painful memories or self- sabotaging tendencies. For some, it is a lot easier to forge ahead and numb the pain on a Friday night then actually deal with it. You don’t know how bad it is, or how much better it can actually become, until you are forced to take a deep look in the mirror and make a change. You can continue to blame every relationship or person in your life for your issues, but it really has nothing to do with them. It is all you love.

If you haven’t had the chance to see how your past effects your present this section should shine some light on this area for you. If you have tried to hide or ignore physical or sexual abuse, traumatic births, miscarriages or abortions (or anything that directly affects your body or body image) it is time to look at these wounds head on. Even if none of this has happened to you I know that you have a friend or a distant family member who has been effected. You have the power to heal this for all of these women. This work matters because until all of us are ready to rise up there is still more work to do on earth. My hope is that you can begin to see all your weaknesses and heal them for your children.

Take These Steps to Heal Your Mother Wound

Watch the video to below to understand all of the ways that your mother effects your life. This is a common issue I see with clients so I have included a couple of exercises that will help you navigate any past trauma and heal from it. If you need further help contact Mystical Motherhood or contact Celestine Star as she can direct you further on how to release family contracts. Some of the following information is from an interview I completed with her and her life’s work of healing people.

Healing Your Inner Child: Learn to Mother Yourself

1. List all your traumas or dramas between the ages of 0 and 12 (if your mother has got some really good in-utero ones list those too).

2. Rescue your inner child and begin to mother her. This can be done at one age or multiple. You can find this child in any memories that still haunt you or memories left unhealed.

3. Take some time to tell this child that you love her and she is not alone. Hold her and make sure she knows how cared for she is. You can even hold a pillow while doing this. Allow any tears to flow or screams to arise.

The secrets of sacred geometry & creating a powerful soul

Sacred Geometry and the Building Blocks of Life

At the moment of conception your frequency, or vibrational quality, determines the type of child that you will birth into this world. This sacred event involves all the senses of human existence here on earth. You carry a specific vibration, sound, smell, feeling and taste which are unique to you and help to create your child. You also carry all the memories and karma of past generations within your cells along with your own unique destiny to potentially fulfill within your lifetime.

As sacred geometrical shapes are produced in a perfectly calculated mathematical order. This series of events is consciousness at its best. Consider your womb to be equal to the Void within all time and space. You are the Universe within the Universe creating life for the All in absolute perfect harmony. The geometrical shapes created within your womb after conception and throughout pregnancy composes the basic building blocks of life. Each shape is deeply connected to specific aspects of your being and represents a different facet of your generational history, physical existence, thought patterns, belief systems, and connection to Spirit. The purpose of Mystical Motherhood is to help you clear this density so that you can attract a crystalline soul.

How to Know When Your Elements Are In Balance Through Alchemy

At some point in your life you may feel the effects of alchemy, which is a force of transformation that happens in eight steps. When your life falls apart, or you feel some sort of a catalyst move through that forces change, you are likely in the first step of the alchemical process which is calcination. You may lose your partner, health, child, house, career or best friend. It feels like you are on fire and your world is falling apart. What is really going on is that you are physically changing to become more dynamic spiritually. Your ego is slowly broken down as you continue to move through the alchemical process or elemental forces of water, air, earth and ether, which purify you here on earth. Alchemy is one of the fastest ways to God because it peels you open like an onion exposing the parts of your life where you need to change. This process is your road to clearing generational history, trauma, pain or heartbreak. It is the path to enlightenment and becoming a whole human being.

The alchemical process of transformation creates uprooting of everything you thought was safe and stable in your life. Almost everyone is continually in some portion of alchemical changes, but not everyone is aware of this nor is their level of transformation equal. I am not going to go into the specific steps of alchemy in detail in this book because the breadth of the information is too substantial for the purpose of our work here (it also needs to be personally experienced to fully comprehend the magnitude of the changes). What I want you to understand is how the elements are an integral part of your awakening process. They can create balance or unbalance within your life.

3 Quick Ways to Reduce Anger & Anxiety

Are you ready to improve your life? Sick of feeling angry and neurotic? Let me help you with these three simple ways to reduce anxiety. Watch the video below to learn more.

What does breathe and meditation do to change your life???…..You will have more peak experiences throughout the day, times of insight, and a deeper connection to your world. Your concentration on tasks at work or at home will increase, your ability to make decisions will improve, and you will learn more efficiently. If you want to correctly interpret reality and have a bright, powerful, and uncluttered personality, you need to start a meditation practice.