Posts Tagged ‘mother’

Top 16 Questions to Ask When Picking Your Pediatrician

“The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.” –Thomas Edison

For some new parents, picking a pediatrician is a daunting task. Your family needs a pediatrician who you can trust, who will listen, and will help support you through the transition into parenthood. It is important to be prepared and ready to ask the right questions in order to find a good match. The search for the right practitioner varies depending on where you live, the amount of time you have, whether you carry insurance, and your belief systems toward medicine.

When I went through the pediatrician search, I was completely shocked by the process, but I also lived in San Francisco where women sign up for preschool while they are still pregnant. True story! I knew there was competition for schools in San Francisco, but I had no idea there was also a lot of stress and very long waiting lists for doctors. It was so competitive that some offices have drawings for new patients, but that is another story. It was important for me to begin searching early and know what type of doctor I preferred.

Tips To Enhance Your Fertility Through a Deeper Mind, Body, Spirit Connection (video)

Fertility is a delicate subject and like a flower needs to be discussed with care because when we want something so badly, and what we want does not come fast enough, there is an aching in our hearts that feels like we are being ripped open. When a woman is ready for a child, a gap grows in time and space, and the desire to hold the baby becomes the forefront of her thoughts. I have watched many friends battle with fertility issues and months pass with empty arms, more longing, less control, and a stronger desire for the outcome. I have also witnessed the unbearable loss of children in utero through my patients, which becomes a heavy burden of confusion after months of attempting to become pregnant. If you are trying to get pregnant and have become frustrated with the process, I don’t have all the answers here, as fertility is one of the greatest mysteries of our time, but I have simple theories that may shed some light on the space you are feeling inside. I am going to provide you with ways to better connect to your womb through meditations and the energetics of food.

In ancient times, women’s only focus as a young girl was bearing children, but in the modern day, we are blessed to spread our energy out in many directions. Women now focus on going to school, working, traveling, or buying their own house and have entered this male-dominated world with vigor. Though reaching high levels of our masculine nature can be rewarding, it can also create a dichotomy in our fields that disconnects us from our wombs. Many women spend years focused on achieving their goals and energetically pushed the thought of bearing children out of their field, so when the time comes that they are ready to bear a child, their body, mind, and spirit have to align. Women often have to make up for lost time quickly if they choose to have a baby later in life. Females have to relate to time in completely different ways than males do when it comes to their physical body and having children.

Pregnant Woman in Field

How you can change the DNA of Your child in the womb

According to Bruce Lipton, author of The Biology of Belief, a cell’s life is controlled by its physical and energetic environment with only a small portion managed by its genes. He discovered this while working with cells in petri dishes. When he created a healthy environment for cells they thrived. When he did not they struggled. By readjusting the conditions for the cells in his petri dishes he could make sick cells well again. This ultimately means that cells are responsive, and change according to their environmental signals.

Understanding this is critical before you become pregnant because it means that the cells within your growing fetus, which are quadrupling and massive rate every second, can be programmed. This is something that the ancient yogis have always known, but now science is catching up. Environmental signals that affect cells are thoughts, beliefs, emotions and nutrition because all of these things are a form of energy. Bruce Lipton’s discovery was a game changer because it was the beginning of the merge between the fields of science and Spirit.

Pregnant Woman

Conscious Conception: Plan Your Pregnancy (video)

The most important concepts you must understand regarding conscious conception is that it takes a significant amount of mental, emotional, and spiritual preparation and that pregnancy is something you should absolutely not take on if you are not fully ready. People all over the world are procreating, but as we can see, not much has improved. This is why conscious conception is so important, and if you are reading this and prepared to do the work, you could change the planet. Throughout this book, I will refer to the male and female “partnership” when it comes to creating and raising a child because essentially that’s the base equation needed to produce, but I understand that families are made up of all sorts of equations. I am speaking to the single moms, split families, grandmothers, aunts, and fathers at different points throughout the text too as there are many ways to raise a child, and everyone needs to be on board. Conception requires just an ovum and a sperm, but if you want to do it consciously, and you are ready to bring a high vibrational Being on to this planet, I am here to discuss some things that should have been put into mass consumption years ago.
As a conscious and prepared woman, you need to be ready and not take the responsibility or bringing a life into this world lightly.

“It is absolutely wrong to be pregnant when you are spiritually, mentally, emotionally, or physically unprepared. It has been estimated that in a very fast society, eighty percent of all conceptions happen by chance… It is a very sad situation. To be very frank and honest, it will ruin the IQ of the child up to thirty-three percent. One-third of the possible IQ of the child, his potential health, his faculty of creativity, and his intelligence to deal with his personal security will be ruined if the mother was physically, mentally, and spiritually unprepared to conceive the child, and it will be a loss of another twenty percent if the father is similarly unprepared. Before it happens, the pregnancy should be totally, emotionally, characteristically, analytically, materially, physically, mentally, and spiritually discussed, planned, and noted down.”- Yogi Bhajan

Meditation for childhood trauma, bad memories and attachment

I started doing this Kundalini Yoga meditation almost a year ago and have worked through many of my attachments to people and situations that no longer serve me. If you are stuck repeating the same patterns over and over again and are ready to make a change in your life this is the meditation for you. It will help to elevate you beyond your family programming. If you are planning to become pregnant it will eliminate any negative programming from your childhood so that your son or daughter does not have to repeat the same energetic sequence of events in his or her life. Wow! That is powerful.

The meditation was actually taught by Yogi Bhajan as a “childhood meditation”. You can practice this with your children. Children follow what you do not what you say. By simply meditating in front of your children you are doing them a great amount of good. If they see you doing this consistently as they grow they will assume that meditation is a normal part of their day. If you are not sure how to begin to teach your children meditation this is a short description taken from the Aquarian Child Manual below.

Flowers blooming simply

Prayer, Prosperity and Receiving a Baby

Gurprasaad is a meditation for prayer, prosperity, and receiving. You can use this meditation specifically for calling in a baby when you are ready to become pregnant. If you are having a difficult time conceiving, in need of natural fertility or are in the process of in vitro fertilization (IVF) – this meditation will reduce your stress and anxiety. Please watch the video and head to the Work With Me page for more help.

“Just let it happen — health, wealth, happiness, your caliber, capacity. Fill your heart, fill your soul with whatever comes from the nature. This meditation is very restful. The pressure on the meridian points on the ribcage gives immediate relaxation.”